Well, the above is a picture of my crew at work and me. A great crew it is
- one of the best it has been my pleasure to lead. We accomplish much as a team
and accomplish it with panache. We had fun today on our job in celebration of
Halloween. Left to right there are Devin, Josh, Kathy, the old "Ref" yours
truly, Lori, Kristi, and Brandon. Some of the other workers kidded me that, with
my team, I should wear that outfit everyday!
I go to bed very early because I arise so early, so it will be impossible
for to partake of more Halloween festivities. Maybe next year when it falls on
Friday again I can take in a party of go trick-or-treating.
Did I ever tell you that I was twelve years old before I went trick or
treating for the first time? Among members of the Church of God that thing was
generally frowned upon (at least back when I was a child; I really can't say how
they view the matter now).
My parents weren't so nutty, religiously speaking, that they thought it was
such a big deal. But when you are members of a certain community, you tend to
follow along and not make waves. Yes, we believed in a literal devil and had an
interesting demonology as part of our overall theology. But we were separated
from "the world" and just didn't partake of such "questionable" amusements,
especially if they had bad connotations. (Although all of my family loved horror
movies from way back.)
However, after my parents split up and the church excommunicated them
because of it, things were different. My mom bought costumes for me and my
little brother for the first time and we were allowed to go out
trick-or-treating with our friends.
I was a skeleton that first time. Scary! And back then we always waited
until dark before we went out. Those were simpler times, and safer, too,
overall, I believe. We stayed in our own neighborhood and knew most of the folks
we visited.
But when I think back, we were allowed to watch all the Halloween specials
on television. And when our school put on Halloween plays or had
Halloween-themed activities, my parents had no objection whatsoever to our
participating. I even recall Mom always making sure she had candy on hand for
the neighborhood kids - which I was allowed to pass out even when I didn't
"officially" participate.
Now that I'm older I enjoy the folklore and pagan history of the holiday.
Paganism has a certain earthy appeal to me. Just wait until next year!